Saturday, 31 October 2015

五個"字"搞掂 - 班尼迪蛋 / Cooking 5x5min - Egg Benedict

趁著週末, 我們一起做精彩的班尼迪蛋, 過一個有格調的星期天吧!

材料 (2人份):
2隻           雞蛋, 室溫
4湯匙       白醋 
1               蕃茄 / 5-6 車厘茄
50g           莫扎里拉芝士
1個           英式鬆餅
3片           巴拿馬火腿
1 1/2湯匙 橄欖油
1/2湯匙    意大利黑醋
15g           牛油
巴馬臣芝士 (如有) 

1. 用大火燒熱鍋. 準備一鍋熱水.
2. 將英式鬆餅橫切一半. 放熱鍋上烘烤至一面脆身 (如用多士爐烘烤此步驟可省略)
3. 鬆餅烘烤時快速將蕃茄及莫扎里拉芝士切小粒. 撒上橄欖油, 意大利黑醋, 鹽及黑胡椒拌勻
4. 鬆餅烘烤好上碟, 將蕃茄及莫扎里拉放在上面.
5. 將熱水倒入鍋中, 加入醋
6. 將雞蛋分別放入杯子裡. 當水滾時用匙攪拌水成漩渦. 將蛋輕手放水中間煮2分鐘, 然後輕輕撈起, 用同一方法處理第二隻蛋.
7. 將煮好的蛋放在蕃茄及莫扎里拉芝士上, 然後用巴拿馬火腿圍邊
8. 倒去熱水, 放入牛油, 煮至變咖啡色, 淋上蛋上.
9. 撒上巴馬臣芝士, 鹽及黑胡椒即成

Ingredients (2-3 portions):
2              Eggs, room temperature
4 tbsp      Vinegar 
1              Big tomato / 6 cherry tomatoes
50g          Mozzarella cheese
1              English muffin
3 slices    Prosciutto / parma ham
15g          Butter
1 1/2 tbsp Olive oil
1/2 tbsp    Balsamic Vinegar
Parmesan cheese, optional

1. Heat the pot with high fire. Prepare a kettle of hot water.
2. Slice English muffin into half. place on the pot to toast one side to a bit brown (you may use the toaster as well)
3. Meanwhile cut tomatoes and mozzarella cheese into small dices. toss them with olive oil, vinegar, salt and pepper.
4. place muffin on the plate and top with tomato salad.
5. pour kettle of water in the pot and add vinegar.
6. Put the egg into a small bowl. When the water is boiled, stir the water to create spiral. Carefully pour the eggs in the centre. Cook for 2 minute and take it out. Repeat for the second egg.
7. Put eggs on top of tomato salad. Surround the egg with ham.
8. Empty the pot,melt butter in the pot until turns brown.
9. Garnish the egg with the melt butter, Parmesan cheese, salt and pepper.

Photo reference:
 材料 / Ingredients

2. 將英式鬆餅橫切一半. 放熱鍋上烘烤至一面脆身 (如用多士爐烘烤此步驟可省略)
2. Slice English muffin into half. place on the pot to toast one side to a bit brown (you may use the toaster as well)

3. 鬆餅烘烤時快速將蕃茄及莫扎里拉芝士切小粒. 撒上橄欖油, 意大利黑醋, 鹽及黑胡椒拌勻
3. Meanwhile cut tomatoes and mozzarella cheese into small dices. toss them with olive oil, vinegar, salt and pepper.
4. 鬆餅烘烤好上碟, 將蕃茄及莫扎里拉放在上面.
4. Place muffin on the plate and top with tomato salad. 

6. 將雞蛋分別放入杯子裡. 當水滾時用匙攪拌水成漩渦. 將蛋輕手放水中間煮2分鐘, 然後輕輕撈起, 用同一方法處理第二隻蛋.
6. Put the egg into a small bowl. When the water is boiled, stir the water to create spiral. Carefully pour the eggs in the centre. Cook for 2 minute and take it out. Repeat for the second egg.

7. 將煮好的蛋放在蕃茄及莫扎里拉芝士上, 然後用巴拿馬火腿圍邊
7. Put eggs on top of tomato salad. Surround the egg with ham.

8. 倒去熱水, 放入牛油, 煮至變咖啡色, 淋上蛋上.  / 9. 撒上巴馬臣芝士, 鹽及黑胡椒即成
9. Garnish the egg with the melt butter, parmesan cheese, salt and pepper.

Thursday, 29 October 2015

五個"字"搞掂 - 青口篇 (2) 椰香咖喱青口 / Cooking 5x5min - Mussels with coconut curry sauce

續昨天的青口貼文, 今日與你分享東南亞惹味青口煮法!

材料 (二人份):
1公斤   藍貝青口
2顆      乾蔥
1湯匙  咖喱粉
200ml  椰奶

1. 將藍貝青口用鹽水浸, 乾蔥切片
2. 快手處理好藍貝青口 - 丟掉貝殼已破爛的青口, 貝上有小貝用刀刮走, 貝內有鬚則拔走. 青口放大碗備用.
3. 用中高火燒熱鍋,放入乾蔥及藍貝青口. 加入3/4湯匙咖喱粉後蓋煮10分鐘
4. 開蓋確認青口已開口後撈起上碟.
5. 將椰奶倒入鍋. 刮鍋底煮青口留下的咖喱製出濃郁醬汁. 淋上青口便可上碟!

1. 可加入青檸汁及小辣椒增添泰式風味!

Following yesterday's sharing on french mussels recipes, today we would share southeast asian cooking style!

Ingredients (2 portions)
1kg      mussels
2         shallot
1tbsp   curry powder
200ml coconut milk

1. Put mussels into salted water. Finely slice the shallots
2. Quickly handle the mussels - throw away those with broken shells, use knife to scrape away little shells on top, pull out the hair in the shells. Place in a large bowl.
3. Heat the pot with medium high fire. Add shallot, mussels and 3/4 tbsp curry powder. Cover with lid and cook for 10 minutes
4. Open the lid and take out the cooked mussels to the plate.
5. Add 1/4 tbsp curry powder and coconut milk. Scratch the bottom of pot for brown bits to get a nice curry sauce. Spread the sauce on top of the mussels and eat immediately.

1. Add lime juice and little red chili to add touch of Thai flavor!

材料 / Ingredients

3. 用中高火燒熱鍋,放入乾蔥及藍貝青口. 加入3/4湯匙咖喱粉後蓋煮10分鐘
3. Heat the pot with medium high fire. Add shallot, mussels and 3/4 tbsp curry powder. Cover with lid and cook for 10 minutes

4. 開蓋確認青口已開口後撈起上碟. 將椰奶倒入
4. Open the lid and take out the cooked mussels to the plate.

5. Add 1/4 tbsp curry powder and coconut milk. Scratch the bottom of pot for brown bits to get a nice curry sauce. Spread the sauce on top of the mussels and eat immediately.

Wednesday, 28 October 2015

五個"字"搞掂 - 蒜蓉飽快手做 / Cooking 5x5min - Quick garlic bread!

蒜蓉飽是很香口的小食與配菜, 加上青口的白酒忌廉汁更是一絕! 立刻分享 :)

半條   法包
2瓣     蒜頭
2湯匙 橄欖油
適量   牛油

1. 焗爐預熱200c, 法包切片置焗盤上備用.
2. 將蒜頭及橄欖油放入攪拌機搗碎, 或將蒜頭切成茸混合橄欖油
3. 將牛油塗上法包, 然後放上蒜茸, 洒上鹽及黑胡椒. 放入焗爐焗10-15分鐘即成

Garlic bread is a great side dish for white wine mussels. How could we not include the recipes?

1/2 baguette
2 cloves of garlic
2tbsp olive oil

1. Preheat oven at 200c. slice baguette and place on the baking sheet
2. mash garlic and mix with olive oil.
3. spread baguette with butter then place garlic paste on top. season and salt and pepper and bake for 10-15 min

五個"字"搞掂 - 青口篇 (1) 白酒忌廉青口 / Cooking 5x5min - Mussels in white wine

吃青口的季節到了! 由現在至11月底是青口的當造期, 其中我最喜藍貝青口, 個子小小口感creamy~ 上網找資料時發現法國逢星期一及四空運青口到港, 所以星期二, 五到西式超市便可採購最新鮮的青口, 煮一頓簡單而豐盛的法式晚餐!

材料 (二人份):
1公斤   藍貝青口
2 顆     乾蔥
25克    牛油
250ml  白酒 (選較乾身如Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc)
3湯匙  忌廉

1. 將藍貝青口用鹽水浸, 乾蔥切片
2. 用中高火燒熱鍋, 放入牛油煮溶, 加入乾蔥片轉中火略為炒香
3. 炒乾蔥片時快手處理好藍貝青口 - 丟掉貝殼已破爛的青口, 貝上有小貝用刀刮走, 貝內有鬚則拔走. 青口放大碗備用.
4. 乾蔥片炒至金黃後,下白酒煮滾加入青口, 蓋上鍋蓋煮10分鐘
5. 開蓋確認青口已開口後加入忌廉攪拌便可上碟!

1. 如想加大分量, 清洗青口時間會較長, 建議將做法 (2) 及 (3) 互換
2. 想請朋友吃大餐? 可試試Jamie Oliver 的 Baked Camembert (英文食譜) 作餐前小食, 白酒忌廉青口作主菜, 和較早分享的法式松露橙香巧克力作甜點!
3. 白酒忌廉青口法文稱作 "Moules marinières"

Here comes the season of mussels! From now til end Nov is best time to taste mussels, among all type blue mussels is my favorite due to its creamy texture. Let's cook a lovely french feast!

Ingredients (2 portions)
1kg      mussels
2          shallots
25g      butter
250ml dry white wine (chardonnay)
3tbsp   cream

1. Put mussels into salted water. Finely slice the shallots
2. Heat the pot with medium fire. Melt the butter and add the shallot. Change to medium fire and slightly stir
3. While frying the shallots quickly handle the mussels - throw away those with broken shells, use knife to scrape away little shells on top, pull out the hair in the shells. Place in a large bowl.
4. When shallots becomes golden, add white wine. When the sauce is boiled add mussels. Cover with lid and cook for 10 minutes.
5.  Open the lid and splash the cream into the pot. Stir well and serve hot.

1. To make a bigger portion, it may take longer time to clean the mussels and it is recommended to swap step (2) and (3)
2. Want to prepare a 3 course meal for friend? You may try Jamie Oliver's Baked Camembert as appetitizer, mussels in white wine as main, and previosuly shared orange Chocolate Truffle as dessert!
3. Mussels in white wine in french is named "Moules marinières"

 材料 / Ingredients

1. 將藍貝青口用鹽水浸, 乾蔥切片
1. Put mussels into salted water. Finely slice the shallots

2. 用中高火燒熱鍋, 放入牛油煮溶, 加入乾蔥片轉中火略為炒香
2. Heat the pot with medium fire. Melt the butter and add the shallot. Change to medium fire and slightly stir

3. 炒乾蔥片時快手處理好藍貝青口 - 丟掉貝殼已破爛的青口, 貝上有小貝用刀刮走, 貝內有鬚則拔走. 青口放大碗備用.
3. While frying the shallots quickly handle the mussels - throw away those with broken shells, use knife to scrape away little shells on top, pull out the hair in the shells. Place in a large bowl.

4. 乾蔥片炒至金黃後,下白酒煮滾加入青口, 蓋上鍋蓋煮10分鐘
4. When shallots becomes golden, add white wine. When the sauce is boiled add mussels. Cover with lid and cook for 10 minutes.

5. 開蓋確認青口已開口後加入忌廉攪拌便可上碟!
5.  Open the lid and splash the cream into the pot. Stir well and serve hot.

Monday, 26 October 2015

五個"字"搞掂 - 彩虹藜麥沙律 / Cooking 5x5min - Rainbow Quinoa salad

 藜麥營養豐富, 成為近期大熱食材, 它的好處我不在這裡細數了 這款沙律配搭多樣, 只須到市場採購當季蔬果, 加上沙律汁, 便可作醒胃前菜或主食. 配搭茄剛才分享的南瓜湯, 即成健康晚餐!

材料 (3-4人份):
2                     紅菜頭(熟)
1罐/ 400克  粟米粒
半條             青瓜
1-2                番茄 (選軟身因較多汁)
1/2杯           藜麥
適量             苜蓿芽
6湯匙           橄欖油
2湯匙           紅酒醋
1茶           第戎芥末

1. 洗淨藜麥, 加1 熱水用中火煲15分鐘
2. 將所有蔬菜(除苜蓿芽及粟米)切小粒, 分層放入樽內或其他容器
3. 將橄欖油, 紅酒醋,第戎芥末, 適量鹽及黑胡椒粉拌勻成沙律汁
4. 藜麥煮熟後隔篩用冷水沖洗, 用叉子拌稍為蓬鬆後放入樽內或其他容器.
5. 吃的時候將材料攪拌上碟, 隨喜好加入沙律汁

1. 藜麥分享: a. 藜麥要洗淨去澀味 b. 藜麥和水比例 1:2 c. 生/熟藜麥比例 1:3
2. 沙律汁醋比例 1:3
3. 家裡沒有紅酒醋嗎? 其實簡單如橄欖油 + 檸檬汁 + 鹽 + 黑胡椒粉也很不錯. 你亦可參考英國廚師Jamie Oliver 的4款沙律汁食譜 (英文)
4. 配搭番茄南瓜湯省時做法 - 先煮湯, 運用小火煲湯時做沙律, 便可於一小時內(或更快!)預備好晚餐
5. 蔬果的配搭沒有特定, 可隨你發揮. 當然選色彩鮮豔的材料賣相更好看!

Quinoa is one of super food that has become very popular lately. The rainbow salad is simple and easy. Just pick the seasonal fruits and vegetables, mix with homemade salad dressing and we get an appetizer. Or serve together with pumpkin soup that is introduced earlier to become a healthy dinner!

Ingredients (3-4 portions):
2                     Cooked beetroot
1can/ 400g   Corn
1/2 piece      Cucumber
1-2                 Tomato (Roma tomato preferred)
1/2cup          Quinoa
                       Alfafa sprout
6tbsp            Olive oil
2tbsp            Red wine vinegar
1tsp              Dijon mustard

1. Rince quinoa. Add 1cup hot water and cook it for 15min using media heat.
2. Chop everything into small dices (except alfafa sprout and corn). Place into the jar or bowl in layers.
3. Mix olive oil, red wine vinegar, dijon mustard, salt and pepper into a salad dressing.
4. When the quinoa is cooked, put them under the running cold water. Sift the water well and use fork to make it fluffy. put into the jar or bowl.
5. Mix the vegetables well and serve with salad dressing.

1. Tips of cooking quinoa:
    a. rince thoroughly to clear the bitter taste
    b. quinoa/ water ratio 1:2
    c. raw / cooked quinoa ratio 1:3
2. salad dressing oil/vinegar ratio 1:3
3. Don't have red wine vinegar? simple as olive oil, lemon juice, salt and pepper are a decent combination :) English chef Jamie Oliver shares 4 salad dressing recipes that you can refer to as well
4. Enjoy it with tomato pumpkin soup - save your cooking time by starting to cook the soup, then prepare the salad while it is boiling.
5. There is no rules of selection of fruits and vegetables, just use your imagination! The colorful the ingredients, the better it looks!

五種材料 - 番茄南瓜湯 / 5 ingredients - tomato pumpkin soup

各位週末過得怎麼樣? 有什麼值得你高興或感恩的事嗎?
今日和大家分享以蔬菜為主的食譜, 開始清爽的一周!

材料 (二至三人份):
4個      中型番茄      
300g    南瓜      
1個      洋蔥      
2茶匙  橄欖油

1. 將南瓜去皮, 番茄去米, 和洋蔥一起切小粒。留起少許番茄及洋蔥作裝飾。
3. 用中高火燒熱湯鍋, 放橄欖油及洋蔥粒炒香至透明, 約3分鐘。
4. 加南瓜粒炒3分鐘, 再加番茄粒, 鹽及黑胡椒粉調味。
5. 加熱水至剛好蓋過所有材料。轉中小火蓋蓋煲25-30分鐘。其間如水煲乾可再加水。
5. 隨你的喜好用攪拌器將湯打至軟滑或有咬口即成。

How is your weekend? What are the things that you feel happy and thankful about?
Today I would like to share recipes use vegetables as main ingredients. Have a fresh start of the week!

Ingredients (2-3portions):
4       medium Tomato
300g Pumpkin
1       Onion
2tsp  Olive oil

1. Cut the skin of pumpkin, clean the grains of tomato. Together with onion, chop them into small dices. Reserve a bit of tomato and onion for garnish.
2. Prepare hot water (>200ml)
3. Heat the pot. Add the olive oil and onion. Fry onion until transparent. About 3 min.
4. Add pumpkin and fry for another 3min. Add tomato. Season with salt and pepper.
5. Add hot water to just cover all ingredients. Turn to media low heat, cover it and boil for 25-30min. Add extra water if it is dry during the cooking.
6. Blend the soup to a bit more chunky or creamy depending on your taste. Garnish with tomato and onion.

Thursday, 22 October 2015

五個"字"搞掂 - 咖喱雞肉 zzzzzasta / Cooking in 5x5min - Curry chicken zzzzzasta

每天我們的飲食應該有至少1/3來自蔬果, 但出外用餐蔬果的部份都特別少。 此菜式將意粉換成用意大利青瓜刨出的寬條麵, 用有趣的方式進食蔬菜; 加上惹味的咖喱, 便成一道健康味美的主菜, 希望大人小朋友都喜歡!

材料 (2-3人份):
2           中形意大利青瓜 (可用翠玉瓜代替)
400克   免治雞肉
1           乾蔥
2 瓣      蒜
1 1/2 湯匙 咖喱粉
1/4 杯   椰奶
1/4 杯   水
少許     Harissa 辣醬* (可用tabasco或辣油代替)

1. 洗淨意大利青瓜. 用刨皮器將其刨成寬條麵狀
2. 將乾蔥及蒜切細碎
3. 用中高火將椰奶及水加熱. 當滾至起泡後加入所有材料(除意大利青瓜外). 加1/2茶匙鹽調味及攪勻材料.
4. 當雞肉煮熟後放碗內備用. 將意大利青瓜放入同一鍋中繼續用中高火略炒1-2分鐘
5. 將意大利青瓜及雞肉放上碟. Buon appetito!!

Everyday one-third of our diet should come from fruits and vegetables. Yet this could be difficult to achieve when we lunch out during working days. The dish replace pasta with zucchini "fettuccine", make fun of eating vegetables. With exotic curry chicken it becomes a health yummy main dish for adults and children!

Ingredients (2-3 portions) :
2            medium zucchini
400g      minced chicken
1            shallot
2 cloves garlic
1 1/2 tbsp curry powder
1/4 cup  coconut milk
1/4 cup  water
little bit of Harissa sauce (or Tabasco)

1. Grate zucchini into thin slices like fettuccine
2. Finely chop garlic and shallot
3. Heat the pan, add coconut milk and water. When it is boiled add all the ingredients Except zucchini. Season with 1/2 tsp of salt. Mix well.
4. When the chicken is cooked, pour the mixture in a bowl. Put the zucchini fettuccine into the pan and cook for 1-2 minutes.
5. Put the zucchini onto the plate then curry chicken. Buon appetito!!

圖片參考 / Photo references:
 材料 / Ingredients

1. 洗淨意大利青瓜. 用刨皮器將其刨成寬條麵狀
1. Grate zucchini into thin slices like fettuccine
2. 將乾蔥及蒜切細碎
2. Finely chop garlic and shallot

3. 用中高火將椰奶及水加熱. 當滾至起泡後加入所有材料(除意大利青瓜外). 加1/2茶匙鹽調味及攪勻材料.
3. Heat the pan, add coconut milk and water. When it is boiled add all the ingredients Except zucchini. Season with 1/2 tsp of salt. Mix well.

4. 當雞肉煮熟後放碗內備用. 將意大利青瓜放入同一鍋中繼續用中高火略炒1-2分鐘
4. When the chicken is cooked, pour the mixture in a bowl. Put the zucchini fettuccine into the pan and cook for 1-2 minutes.

Wednesday, 21 October 2015

五種材料 - 法式松露橙香巧克力 / Good food in 5 elements! Orange Chocolate Truffle

法式+松露+巧克力= 浪漫的巴黎. 這款香軟醇滑的甜點, 在口中漫漫融化成絲鍛與舌頭交纏, 橙香漫漫滲出, 完全將人心俘虜! 今週要怎麼哄哄他(她)呢? 你有一個點子了 ;)

材料 (約16粒):
牛奶             100ml
牛油             25g
黑巧克力     150g
香橙             1個
可可粉         適量

2. 將牛奶牛油加熱,刨香橙皮絲加入牛奶裡
3. 當牛奶煮滾起泡時,拿起鍋把牛奶一次性倒入巧克力大碗,靜待1分鐘
4. 用刮刀混合至巧克力全部融化呈光亮。
5. 將巧克力溶液倒進容器裡(我用方形做成方塊,也可放進矽膠模,或簡單放進碗裡待冷卻後造型),用保鮮紙覆蓋在巧克力上。放進雪櫃待2個小時。
6. 撒上可可粉即成。

1. 如果想再滑點, 可於牛奶煮滾後隔走橙皮絲才倒入巧克力大碗
2. 如果用打蛋器混合巧克力及牛奶, 巧克力就會變啞色; 建議用刮刀
3. 牛奶及牛油換成椰漿就成椰香松露,香橙可換成檸檬,也可加入其他配料如果仁,乾果,款式千變萬化

五種材料 - 巧easy曲奇

Orange Chocolate Truffle

100ml Milk                    
25g     Butter                  
150g   Dark Chocolate    
1         Orange                
Cocoa powder to garnish    

1. Chop dark chocolate into tiny pieces (skip the process if you use chocolate drops), put into a big bowl
2. Heat up butter and milk. Grate orange zest and add into the milk.
3. When the milk is boiled, pour the milk into the bowl of chocolate at one time. Wait for 1minute
4. Use spatula to mix the chocolate until well blend and appear glossy.
5. Pour chocolate mixture into container (I use a small lunch box and cut into small cubes; we can use silicon mould, or simply pour into a bowl and shape it after cooling)
6. Cover the chocolate with cling film. put into the fridge and store at least 2 hours.
7. When it is done, shape the truffle and sift cocoa powder on top

1. Sift the orange zest out after boiling the milk to give smooth taste of truffle chocolate
2. Avoid using hand whisk to blend milk and chocolate as the chocolate would not look nicely glossy
3. We can swap ingredients to offer difference flavors e.g. replace butter and milk with cream of coco, lemon instead of orange, add dried fruits or nuts etc.

Tuesday, 20 October 2015

五種材料完成 - 低卡 Fit-elette

低卡 Fit-elette

做完運動或健身後, 都想食好吃的又健康的回饋一身汗水.
這款Fit-elette 低卡 (169kcal), 含優質蛋白質甜美蔬菜, 飽肚而且營養豐富, 是keep fit人士早餐或輕怡晚餐不二之選!

材料 (一人份):
洋蔥(中) 半個
番茄        1  個
青椒        半個
蛋白        4  隻
橄欖油    1 茶匙

1. 將洋蔥,番茄,青椒切成小粒備用
2. 用中高火燒熱平底鑊, 加入橄欖油及洋蔥粒, 翻炒至洋蔥粒變開始變透明,約2分鐘
3. 加入番茄及青椒, 少許鹽及黑胡椒調味, 翻炒約5分鐘
4. 加入蛋白, 用木勺稍為推開蛋白, 令其均勻受熱
5. 轉中火, 用碟蓋平底鑊(順道加熱碟!)約5分鐘即可上菜

1. 天然hair-mask - 用剩的4個蛋黃可加4湯匙橄欖油做成hairmask. 敷上頭髮後用浴帽或保鮮紙包好, 等30分鐘後用和暖水沖洗 (*千萬不要用熱水,否則會煮熟蛋黃). 吹乾後便有如在salon吹頭的漂亮髮質!


 材料 (洋蔥, 番茄, 青椒, 蛋白, 橄欖油)

 1. 將洋蔥,番茄,青椒小粒

 2. 用中高火燒熱平底鑊, 加入橄欖油及洋蔥粒, 翻炒至洋蔥粒變開始變透明,約2分鐘

 3. 加入番茄及青椒, 少許鹽及黑胡椒調味, 翻炒約5分鐘

 4. 加入蛋白, 用木勺稍為推開蛋白, 令其均勻受熱

5. 轉中火, 用碟蓋平底鑊(順道加熱碟!)約5分鐘即可上菜.

Saturday, 17 October 2015

五種材料 - 巧easy曲奇


材料 (約20-24塊):
麵粉        150g
啡糖        60g
牛油        90g

1. 將黑巧克力切細碎備用(如用巧克力粒則可省略)
2. 牛油從雪櫃取出切小粒, 連同麵粉和少許鹽一起放進大碗, 用指尖搓捏成沙粒狀
3. 加入黑巧克力碎, 及兩湯匙水, 搓勻至成一麵團
4. 將麵團搓成約20cm方形長條,  放進雪櫃待至少30分鐘。
5. 焗爐預熱180c, 將雪好的麵團長條切成7-8mm厚片, 放在曲奇墊或舖上牛油紙的焗盤上
6. 將曲奇置入焗爐焗約15分鐘. 取出後放在網架上攤涼即成.

1. 牛油搓捏時要夠凍才能做成酥脆的效果,所以直接從雪櫃取出食用便可,不用先放室溫。
2. 鹽能夠提升巧克力的味道。


材料: 麵粉,啡糖,牛油,黑朱古力

 2. 牛油從雪櫃取出切小粒, 連同麵粉和少許鹽一起放進大碗, 用指尖搓捏成沙粒狀

 3. 加入黑巧克力碎, 及兩湯匙水, 搓勻至成一麵團

 4. 將麵團搓成約20cm方形長條,  放進雪櫃待至少30分鐘。