Monday, 26 October 2015

五種材料 - 番茄南瓜湯 / 5 ingredients - tomato pumpkin soup

各位週末過得怎麼樣? 有什麼值得你高興或感恩的事嗎?
今日和大家分享以蔬菜為主的食譜, 開始清爽的一周!

材料 (二至三人份):
4個      中型番茄      
300g    南瓜      
1個      洋蔥      
2茶匙  橄欖油

1. 將南瓜去皮, 番茄去米, 和洋蔥一起切小粒。留起少許番茄及洋蔥作裝飾。
3. 用中高火燒熱湯鍋, 放橄欖油及洋蔥粒炒香至透明, 約3分鐘。
4. 加南瓜粒炒3分鐘, 再加番茄粒, 鹽及黑胡椒粉調味。
5. 加熱水至剛好蓋過所有材料。轉中小火蓋蓋煲25-30分鐘。其間如水煲乾可再加水。
5. 隨你的喜好用攪拌器將湯打至軟滑或有咬口即成。

How is your weekend? What are the things that you feel happy and thankful about?
Today I would like to share recipes use vegetables as main ingredients. Have a fresh start of the week!

Ingredients (2-3portions):
4       medium Tomato
300g Pumpkin
1       Onion
2tsp  Olive oil

1. Cut the skin of pumpkin, clean the grains of tomato. Together with onion, chop them into small dices. Reserve a bit of tomato and onion for garnish.
2. Prepare hot water (>200ml)
3. Heat the pot. Add the olive oil and onion. Fry onion until transparent. About 3 min.
4. Add pumpkin and fry for another 3min. Add tomato. Season with salt and pepper.
5. Add hot water to just cover all ingredients. Turn to media low heat, cover it and boil for 25-30min. Add extra water if it is dry during the cooking.
6. Blend the soup to a bit more chunky or creamy depending on your taste. Garnish with tomato and onion.

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