吃青口的季節到了! 由現在至11月底是青口的當造期, 其中我最喜藍貝青口, 個子小小口感creamy~ 上網找資料時發現法國逢星期一及四空運青口到港, 所以星期二, 五到西式超市便可採購最新鮮的青口, 煮一頓簡單而豐盛的法式晚餐!
材料 (二人份):
1公斤 藍貝青口
2 顆 乾蔥
25克 牛油
250ml 白酒 (選較乾身如Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc)
3湯匙 忌廉
1. 將藍貝青口用鹽水浸, 乾蔥切片
2. 用中高火燒熱鍋, 放入牛油煮溶, 加入乾蔥片轉中火略為炒香
3. 炒乾蔥片時快手處理好藍貝青口 - 丟掉貝殼已破爛的青口, 貝上有小貝用刀刮走, 貝內有鬚則拔走. 青口放大碗備用.
4. 乾蔥片炒至金黃後,下白酒煮滾加入青口, 蓋上鍋蓋煮10分鐘
5. 開蓋確認青口已開口後加入忌廉攪拌便可上碟!
1. 如想加大分量, 清洗青口時間會較長, 建議將做法 (2) 及 (3) 互換
2. 想請朋友吃大餐? 可試試Jamie Oliver 的 Baked Camembert (英文食譜) 作餐前小食, 白酒忌廉青口作主菜, 和較早分享的法式松露橙香巧克力作甜點!
3. 白酒忌廉青口法文稱作 "Moules marinières"
Here comes the season of mussels! From now til end Nov is best time to taste mussels, among all type blue mussels is my favorite due to its creamy texture. Let's cook a lovely french feast!
Ingredients (2 portions)
1kg mussels
2 shallots
25g butter
250ml dry white wine (chardonnay)
3tbsp cream
1. Put mussels into salted water. Finely slice the shallots
2. Heat the pot with medium fire. Melt the butter and add the shallot. Change to medium fire and slightly stir
3. While frying the shallots quickly handle the mussels - throw away those with broken shells, use knife to scrape away little shells on top, pull out the hair in the shells. Place in a large bowl.
4. When shallots becomes golden, add white wine. When the sauce is boiled add mussels. Cover with lid and cook for 10 minutes.
5. Open the lid and splash the cream into the pot. Stir well and serve hot.
1. To make a bigger portion, it may take longer time to clean the mussels and it is recommended to swap step (2) and (3)
2. Want to prepare a 3 course meal for friend? You may try Jamie Oliver's Baked Camembert as appetitizer, mussels in white wine as main, and previosuly shared orange Chocolate Truffle as dessert!
3. Mussels in white wine in french is named "Moules marinières"
材料 / Ingredients
1. Put mussels into salted water. Finely slice the shallots
2. 用中高火燒熱鍋, 放入牛油煮溶, 加入乾蔥片轉中火略為炒香
2. Heat the pot with medium fire. Melt the butter and add the shallot. Change to medium fire and slightly stir
3. 炒乾蔥片時快手處理好藍貝青口 - 丟掉貝殼已破爛的青口, 貝上有小貝用刀刮走, 貝內有鬚則拔走. 青口放大碗備用.
3. While frying the shallots quickly handle the mussels - throw away those with broken shells, use knife to scrape away little shells on top, pull out the hair in the shells. Place in a large bowl.
4. When shallots becomes golden, add white wine. When the sauce is boiled add mussels. Cover with lid and cook for 10 minutes.
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