Friday, 11 December 2015

Happy Friday 爆谷!

又到Happy Friday啦! 有時出街迫不如留在家中看看書, 或約三五知己打機睇戲~ 我在農場做義工時夜晚的消遣就係睇戲, 仲第一次自製爆谷! 隔著玻璃看著一粒粒粟米變成白雪雪的爆谷, 真的很神奇! 大家一齊玩下 :D

85克       爆谷粟米粒 (在烘焙店或大型西式超市有售)
3湯匙     菜油
1/2 茶匙  鹽
3湯匙      溶化牛油 (可省略)

1. 在湯煲內(我用6.5L)放入爆谷粟米粒, 菜油, 鹽. 用錫紙包好煲面, 用牙籤十數個洞/ 蓋上玻璃蓋
2. 開中火, 左右搖晃湯煲令粟米粒均勻受熱. 約3分後粟米會逐顆彈起變成爆谷. 繼續搖晃, 途中不要開蓋以免燙傷.
3. 待煲內已沒有爆谷彈起的聲音, 便可關火. 打開蓋子. 用木勺由底拌一下爆谷, 讓鹽可以黏在爆谷. 此時亦可加入溶化牛油拌勻即成. 想吃甜的則可溶化85g朱古力拌勻

1. 在湯煲內(我用6.5L)放入爆谷粟米粒, 菜油, 鹽. 用錫紙包好煲面, 用牙籤十數個洞/ 蓋上玻璃蓋

2. 開中火, 左右搖晃湯煲令粟米粒均勻受熱. 約3分後粟米會逐顆彈起變成爆谷. 繼續搖晃, 途中不要開蓋以免燙傷.

Tuesday, 1 December 2015

五種材料 - 三文魚頭湯 / 5 Ingredients - Salmon head soup

天氣開始乾燥, 自然要多飲湯滋潤一下. 今天分享的湯水, 三文魚有豐富的魚油, 蕃茄又有美白作用, 飲完人都變靚靚啦 ;)

1個  三文魚頭
2個  大蕃茄
數片 薑
1 磚  豆腐
少許 橄欖油

1. 將三文魚頭用剪刀剪去腮, 然後切成四份. 豆腐切粒, 蕃茄一開四去籽備用
2. 用高火燒熱鍋, 然後下橄欖油. 爆香薑片後放三文魚頭. 煎至兩面金黃
3. 轉中火, 加入蕃茄. 利用三文魚頭滲出的油煎香, 約2-3分鐘
4. 加5-6飯碗熱水. 待其再之滾起轉小火煲1小時.
5. 加入豆腐粒煲5分鐘即可食用.

1. 想魚頭不黏鍋, 可用易潔鍋煮. 如用不銹鋼鍋, 可用水測試鍋熱度: 當放少水到鍋中, 水成一圓珠在鍋中滾動便可下油剪魚. (更詳細解說, 可看以下視頻:
2. 如用壓力鍋10分鐘即可煮湯煲的時間縮短至10分鐘!

As chinese, we love drinking soup to maintain moisture of our skin, especially in winter. This soup includes salmon which is rich in Omega-3 and tomatoes which has whitening purpose. It's a great recipe for beautiful people!

1          Salmon head
2          Big tomatoes
3 slices Ginger
1 piece  Bean curd
little     Olive oil

1. Use scissors to trim the gills then chop into 4  pieces. Chop bean curd into cubes. Quarter tomato and remove the seeds.
2. Use high fire to heat the pan. Splash a bit of olive oil. Place the ginger and salmon head pieces. Pan fry both sides until golden
3. Change to medium fire. Pan fry the tomatoes with oil come out from salmon for 2-3 minute.
4. add ~4-5 cups of water. When it boils again, turn into small fire and cook for 1 hour.
5. Add in bean curd dices. Boil for 5 minutes and serve

1. To not let fish stick to pan, you may either use non stick pan. To use stainless steel pan, test the pan temperature but dropping a bit water onto the pan. When it forms into a mercury ball, the pan is hot enough for frying. You may refer to video for further details:
2. If use pressure cooker, the soup takes only 10 minutes to finish!